Hello! My name is Ioana. As you have read in my previous article, today you are going to find out more about why it is important to create a blog for your business. I know you are here to learn how to get more clients through a blog, but let’s start with the basics. What is a blog and why is it  so important to create one for your business and not only that?

A blog can be used not only for your professional development but also for your personal one. A blog acts like an online journal, where different articles relatable to a subject are posted regularly. There are a lot of people who start a blog only as a hobby. Only a few people manage to convert it into a professional scope and receive money from that.


Many of us think the words “website” and “blog” are one and the same thing. There is still a huge difference between them. A blog is a website, where a person or a small group of people are regularly posting about their thoughts and experiences. On the other hand, a website is a group of pages where one organization offers information about a single topic.

Compared to a website, a blog is written more in an informal way. Also, the content from a blog should be updated periodically. If you are wondering which one would be better for you, you need to think about your final purpose. When you have a lot of fresh posts for your services, then a blog would fit you better. If your business does not require too many updates, then a website can be the best option. Here the information is usually  formal and standard.


If you are a private person, it is fine to start with a free blog. For a solo career as a freelancer for example it is even required to have one. But if you are a business, free blogs are pretty limited and this is why it is not the best option for you.

In 2020 there are a lot of places where you can start a blog. My advice would be to start with a free one. WordPress for example could be a good choice. But there are also other platforms where you can create one. After you have picked one, the next step would be to give your blog a name. To do that, it is important to already have in mind what your blog is going to be about. For example, you would like to write about your business which involves wedding events. A relatable name would sound like “Weddings Paradise”. Do not use too many words or words that are not clear about what your business involves. After you have completed this step, the next one is choosing your blog’s design. A good design should also express your business idea. For a wedding events business a good choice could be for example, a pretty theme, with natural and light colors.

After you have finished with its design, you will further need to publish your first post. Nobody wants to click on something empty of course. Make sure that what your blog promotoes will be qualitative. Create an “Editorial Calendar”, a regular plan when you will be posting on the blog. In this way, it will be easier for your clients to follow you. Keep your blog updated and make it visible as much as you can.


Even if making a blog should not be equal with selling a product, there are ways to generate money.I will give you some short examples of how can you make money from a blog. Remember that a free blog will not give you a lot of possibilities to generate money. This is why you should not consider the following options available for a free one. There are more alternatives to generate profit, but here are 3 of the simplest ones:

  1. Placing ads:

There are two ways of making it:

  • With pay per click ads ( PPC)
  • With costs per 1,000 impressions (CPM)

The first alternative involves placing banners in your content. You will be paid each time someone clicks on that ad. With the second one, you receive a fixed amount of money depending on how many views you have for your ad.

  1. Sell private ads

Another way to generate money is by placing the ads of other advertisers. You can even promote other products or services.

  1. Affiliate links

The last way to generate money that I will write about is by an affiliate link. You can place other links on your website and they will pay you each time someone comes to them from your website and purchases the product.

Even if the last two options work better for someone who has already reached a pretty high number of followers, all of them are worth trying. Taking every step and working hard for your website will generate profit in the end. Do not forget to stay authentic and honest with yourself and your audience. The passion that pushed you to create a blog should remain the same. Everyone can generate profit by promoting a large group of people. But keeping your purpose and your pure intentions can be harder after a while.

These last ideas should represent the most important advice if you want to create a blog. It is perfectly normal to want to get profit, but do not let money distract you. Your mission and your message for your followers should always be on top!